Derrick Ashby's Web

My name is Derrick Ashby.  That's me on the right. This is my website

The picture is a little old, but all that's changed is that I have rather less hair.

I am an ex-Englishman, an ex-Librarian, an ex-Science Fiction Fan and an ex IT- Professional.  I am a citizen of Australia and the Office Manager of a home-based business I run with my wife, Christine.  We run a legal costing practice in which Christine does the legal costing and I keep the IT going, do the bookkeeping and cart around archive boxes.  My back would rather like to retire, but probably won't for a few years yet...  See the About Me page if you want to read more.
Derrick Ashby, circa 1999?
I do a number of things in my spare time, of which there is never enough:

I'm a dog person

I LibraryThing

I research my family history

I'm producing this website using Kompozer, which is a web authoring tool that has the great virtue of being free.  I'll be working my way through a tutorial in its use that I found at The Site Wizard.

About Me
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Site Map
© Derrick Ashby, 2009